Here's just a small sampling of some of the successful writing projects:
Pittsburgh CAPA 6-12 and the Adjuncts
Pittsburgh CAPA 6-12 was in danger of losing many of its arts adjunct teachers due to state budget cuts. These professional artists taught classes and tutored inner-city students whose parents could not afford one-on-one lessons as was the norm in other neighborhoods. To protest, instead of carrying picket signs, CAPA adjuncts staged a community concert titled “Honoring CAPA’s Legacy: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow???” Along with handling press, I secured a local radio host who was also a pianist and understood the educational value of the Adjuncts. All newspapers and radio news outlets, three radio talk shows, and two newspapers ran stories prior to the event. Newspapers, radio and television ran stories post event. Adjuncts, students and graduate guest Billy Porter wowed a standing room only crowd. PTA's informational table grabbed $2000 in donations.
Here is the press release that went out to the media:
Here is one of the newspaper articles that followed the show:
City Council President Darlene M. Harris
Challenges of functioning as both publicist and assisting with constituent services in the president's office brought excitement and creativity. Our office promoted programs and projects that came from all of Council as well as those just from just the Councilwoman's office. Here are programs I helped to promote for the Councilwoman.
When City Council opposed the Mayor's plan to lease the City's parking garages and meters to an outside firm as a way to increase funding for police and fire fighter pensions, news of this opposition came from Councilwoman Harris' office.
Programs that we spearheaded included a dog and cat spay and neuter program:
When the Councilwoman was in the hospital for an undiagnosed illness, the media came to me with various rumors as to a diagnosis. Each was fielded and put to rest as her health was followed closely: